Sunday, August 30, 2015

Shopping My Own Closet

My hours picked up at work, which is a great thing, well, in the aspect of making money it is. When I'm not at work, I've still been diligently working on my Spring Cleaning. One major task I've been dreading has been cleaning out my closet. There are years of clothing I have purchased. So much of it was disorganized. It was a pain to decide what to keep and what to pitch.

Even after I weeded out stuff that no longer fit me or was stained/torn, I still had a lot of stuff I could still wear. When I had more money a few years ago, I also had a little bit of a shopping addiction. I realized with the selection of clothes I had, I could make several different stylish outfits. However, where do I start?

One awesome site that I went to that had some great tips is: There is also a 30 Day Shop Your Wardrobe Challenge. Yes, I'm going to take it, because it had some great challenges in pulling off outfits from the clothes I have. Here's the PDF if you would like to try the challenge out yourself:

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