Monday, August 10, 2015

My Goals

I finally got some tangible goals set today. Well, more tangible than just "I need to make money".  As you can tell, I'm still new at this. My main goal is to set a budget. I need a budget to know exactly what is going out versus what is coming in. My tasks for this is:

1.) Write down everything I am spending money on. I know this one is a duh, but I need to write down every receipt, every penny. I can give approximate figures, but how am I going to know how much I exactly spend on stuff (i.e. gas, coffee, ect) unless I write it down.

2.) Figure out needs v.s. wants. Yes, I know this is may be a matter of opinion.

3.) Figure out where I can shave costs. What can I get for cheaper?

4.) Actually figure out how much I can put into savings! (This is a big one for me!)

There are some things that can set this back. My hours at work got cut down a little bit. If they keep being cut, I may need to get a second job or find out how to make money online. I know unexpected expenses may pop up. Two unexpected expenses that popped up last month were needing to get two teeth pulled and my air-conditioning needing to be replaced.

Now, its time to get started on step one...

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